How Hypnosis is Used in Treatment


How is Hypnosis used in Treatment

With over 1500 hours of hypnosis experience plus weekend long annual training, Veronica has helped hundreds of clients solve dozens and dozens of different types of problems since she began using hypnosis in 2008. Veronica has successfully used hypnosis at various points in therapy with many clients quite regularly over the course of the last 5 years (overall averaging 4 hypnosis sessions weekly for 5 years). Veronica is certified by the Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis (

Veronica regularly immerses herself in training to enhance and diversify her hypnosis experience. She has trained with many well-known practitioners, psychologists, and physicians, such as Dr. Elvira Lang, Dr. Assen Alladin, Dr. Dabney Ewin, Dr. Gary Elkin, Dr. Ian Simpson, and others.

Veronica has used hypnosis with children and adults in the treatment of many disorders and psychological challenges. For example, she has used hypnosis to introduce additional relaxation strategies, enhance internal positive dialogue, break obsessive and compulsive patterns, enhance sleep, and interrupt panic cycles. In treating Chronic Pain, Veronica has used hypnosis to enhance relaxation, introduce non-pharmacological pain management techniques, enhance mindfulness skills, interrupt thoughts patterns that undermine coping and worsen pain perception and improve functioning. In the treatment of eating disorders, Veronica has used hypnosis to enhance mindful eating practices, break compulsive patterns, regress to previous life events that trigger emotional states that lead to binges, enhance emotional awareness and self-efficacy, and solidify goal directed behaviour. In the treatment of depression, Veronica has used hypnosis to enhance motivation, enhance behavioural activation, interrupt thoughts patterns that undermine coping and mood, improve functioning, enhance sense of worth, ego strengthening, and self esteem, improve mindfulness, and solidify goal directed behaviour. She has also used hypnosis in the treatment of insomnia. Veronica has used hypnosis to complement smoking cessation treatment and other addiction treatments. She has used hypnosis to assist with motivation, low self-esteem, low self worth, and enhance goal attainment. This is just a short list of various applications of hypnosis in therapy. Hypnosis is not used as a standalone treatment, but always in conjuncture with other interventions and an overall treatment plan. This approach is supported by research.

The American Psychiatric Association, in a position statement approved by the Council of the Association in 1961, indicated that “hypnosis has definite application in the various fields of medicine” and that physicians would be seeking psychiatrists for training in hypnosis.27 A National Institutes of Health panel issued a statement published by the AMA in 1996 indicating that there was “strong evidence for the use of hypnosis in alleviating pain associated with cancer.”

To read additional studies reviewing the efficacy of Hypnosis in the treatment of various medical and psychological ailments, please refer to these references:

J. Stewart. "Hypnosis in Contemporary Medicine." Mayo Clinic. Proceedings 105; 80 (4): 511-524 (2005).

M. Mendoza Efficacy of Clinical Hypnosis: A Summary of its Empirical Evidence

Dr. David Spiegel, Stanford Professor
in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
discusses hypnosis, the mind,
and its therapeutic interaction with the body.
phone 403.256.1667     email     address Suite 300 - 340 Midpark Way SE,   Fish Creek Executive Centre
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